Taster Session: Leadership Coaching with Horses

coaching with horses
2 May 2019 @ 10:00 – 13:00
Gallabar Farm
Gallabar Lane
YO51 9QU
Julia Felton

This event is to educate people about the power of coaching with horses and how it can help clients break through limiting beliefs and blocks that are sabotaging their success.

Business is changing rapidly and the old style of business and leadership skills will no longer get you where you want to go. What if I told you a horse could show you a new paradigm? A way of acting and being that will serve you more effectively in the future.

As we move from the information era to the collaboration era horses can model for us how to work as a real team, one where the leadership is shared, where communication is authentic and where the vision is crystal clear. How would you like these traits in your business?

If you are intrigued to find out more then join me on 2nd May when I will be hosting a taster session on how I help my clients develop their leadership skills, align their teams and grow their business through coaching with horses.

What we will cover:

A small number of volunteers will have the unique opportunity to work hands on with the horses to learn about their leadership style and how they show up in business. No horse experience is necessary. This event is all about experiential learning so as an audience member you will also be participating providing feedback on what you observe.

Some of the things we will cover:

  • How you need to grow in order for your business to grow
  • Leading out of your comfort zone
  • How to use your leadership strengths to overcome barriers to success
  • The importance of body language and how to communicate with clarity
  • Creating a collaborative team
  • Negotiating conflict
  • and so much more………..

“When leaders and teams pull together, aligned behind a shared purpose, exceptional results are achievable, and they can have a massive impact and ripple effect throughout society.”

Julia Felton is a leadership and team engagement strategist who specialises in creating organisational alignment. Business leaders hire her to unlock the hidden potential in their teams and transform their results because most team members and directionless, disengaged and disempowered. So she helps business leaders energise and engage their teams so they can deliver exceptional results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction. Her innovative interventions, inspired by nature, create sustainable behavioural change that delivers lasting impact.

Prior to setting up her own business consultancy, Julia spent fifteen years working in the corporate world for Andersen and Deloitte, spear-heading their hospitality market intelligence division. As an intrapreneur, she grew this business unit from concept to global market leader before selling it. Julia honed her leadership skills growing a global team and experienced the challenges of leading through uncertainty when Andersen imploded after the Enron scandal.

A lifelong learner, Julia lives in Yorkshire with her four horses. She is the author of two books.

If you would like to find out more or to book a ticket please click here.