To grow your organisation, grow your people
Contracted services with Coaching York
The difference you want to see
Is your business or organisation:
- committed to facilitating the growth and potential of your people?
- interested in helping your individuals and teams maximise their impact in their roles?
- looking to reduce the failure costs of staff turnover?
- seeking to improve its capacity to manage ongoing uncertainties?
We can help.
Read on to see how we work and why working with us can be good for you, your sector, and your community.

Working with Coaching York

Our offer
We have a broad and diverse community of over 80 professionally trained and experienced coaches. We have specialisms in a wide range of areas including:
- senior leadership support
- organisational transition
- team and personal development
- career development and successful career transitions
- effective remote working
- strengthening personal resilience
- effective decision making.
How we work
We start with you. We agree the change or result you want to see, and how to recognise this once you have it.
We appoint a contract manager to identify coaches with the skills and experience relevant to achieving your objectives. You will then be able to choose your coach or coaching team.
Typically, one-to-one coaching support is between one to two hours over six sessions.
You can achieve economies of scale through group and team coaching which we can deliver on site or virtually.
Why work with Coaching York
Our people
We can find the right mix of expertise for your organisation - large corporate, not for profit, or public sector. You don't need to search multiple organisations to find the support you need.
Bring us the challenges you are facing and tell us the difference you want to see. We will introduce you to the people best equipped to work for your organisation. We can arrange "chemistry calls" to make sure you have the right coach.
When you are looking for a coach, we have a directory of coaches which provides an overview of their skills and experience. Find out more about our coaches here.
Where you need help matching you or your organisation with a coach, contact us at
Our ethos
Everything we do is client-led. We have coaching conversations about your needs and objectives, working collaboratively to tailor bespoke coaching support.
Helping your CSR: We designed our social enterprise model to ensure that contracted work has wider benefits. Ten percent of delivery fees are reinvested in Coaching York to support our community projects and ongoing development of our coaches. This improves our quality and expertise for future work.
By contracting with local coaches you will also be investing the local economy.
Our services
We support organisations, including the challenges of operating in current times:
- Adapting to new constraints though one-to-one and team coaching.
- Increasing personal, team, and corporate resilience through practical good practice workshops and webinars.
- Building new and powerful relationships across organisations
- Gaining deep insights through in depth diagnostic coaching.
- Addressing systematic weaknesses exposed by market shocks.
- Creating your own "new normal" through transformed business culture using our experience of focused conversations that transform cultures.
Our reputation
We have successfully supplied coaching to the Transport, Local Government, Ecclesiastical and Charity sectors and are recognised not only for our competence and expertise but also as a wider community asset.