Professor Bob Garvey : Coaching Ain’t What it Used to be!

5 May 2020 @ 14:00 – 15:00
Bob Garvey
Coaching Ain’t What it Used to be!                            

14:00 : 15:00

Both from experience and from research is it clear that the meaning of coaching is shifting.  This is not really surprising because coaching is a social construction and those who participate, construct it! Much of what is said about coaching in the books and papers focusses on the coach. There is a shift now to the coachee. Some questions to ponder:  How do coaches adapt their approach to suit the needs of the coachee? What needs to be taken into account when deciding the most appropriate approach? What are the implications for coach development and education? Are the existing competency frameworks in the various coaching bodies competent? This interactive webinar will explore these and other questions both from practice and from a research perspective.


Professor Bob Garvey is Managing Partner of The Lio Partnership and a consultant with Coachmentoring Ltd, both coaching and mentoring consultancies in the UK.  He is the author of many coaching and mentoring books. He is a founding member of the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) and formerly the editor of the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Bob was previously Professor at York Business School, and Director of the Coaching and Mentoring Research Unit at Sheffield Business School. Bob is obsessed with coaching and mentoring!


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Urgent Update from Bob

Hi All, Thank you for signing up for the webinar this afternoon! Problem!  My Teams seems to have gone AWOL! I was trying to sort it until 11.00 last night and again this morning! Can I suggest we try Skype instead – I am robert.garvey7 on skype – if you send me a contact. I’ll call you all at 2.00 and hopefully that will work!  Best wishes, Bob