Harriet Kretschmar: How To Become A Mindful Leader In Agile Times?

6 May 2020 @ 10:00 – 10:45
Harriet Kretschmar
 How To Become A Mindful Leader In Agile Times?

10:00 – 10:45

The acronym VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) is by now well known in the business community and Corona shows even more how VUCA our world has become. We live in agile times. As there are many competencies published regarding agile leaders, mindfulness is seldom part of the listings. And even if there is something found like: “Situational awareness”, it is not written how one can learn or train this. Based on a mindful leadership project carried out in a German factory of a multinational company, we will explore what it takes to become more mindful and why this is even more important for leaders from Scrum masters to senior management.


ABOUT Harriet Kretschmar
My name is Harriet, I’m a freelance Coach based in Munich, Germany, with experience in coaching executives and organisations for over 30 years. I’m a Senior Partner of Trigon Development Consultants (https://www.trigon.at/en/) and among other things a certified Trainer for Mindful Leadership (University Witten-Herdecke). In 2014 I spent three months in York and from that time on I’ve been a member of Coaching York. I’m very much a down-to-earth-person and I strive to help my clients to sort things out. I’m interested in practicality and this applies to mindfulness, too. I’m married with two grown-up daughters. I have a passion for history, reading and the alpine region.

linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harriet-kretschmar/?locale=en_US


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