Sarah Nicholson: Navigating Change and Strengthening Resilience

7 May 2020 @ 10:00 – 11:30
Sarah Nicholson



Navigating Change and Strengthening Resilience

10:00 – 11.30

In this 90 minute workshop you’re making time to get clarity.

If your brain currently feels like a ball of spaghetti, clarity is very empowering. You will step out of the overwhelm and analyse your perspective. Understanding the processes you are going though, enables you to be more comfortable in your current place in life. You will receive tools to support you to manage fear. From this place it is possible to connect with your inner guidance and access your next steps.

Book on the workshop and you will receive the Participant Pack and the Zoom link



I am a 1:1 coach, enabling development and empowerment. I guide women to connect with their truth and joy. Enabling them to be confident, vibrant, creative and share their superpowers. Authentic, Compassion, Wisdom. Through a mixture of flexible online courses, a group development circle and 1:1 coaching. I guide people through transformation, helping them align with their core purpose, release their fears and pursue a vibrant and joyful life full of adventure.

 Identify and resolve areas of weakness that have previously seemed unchangable. Breakthrough old ceilings of achievement and relish your success. Claim real freedom to live on your own terms. Enjoy being you!



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