Member help member meeting – re mentoring

22 July 2021 @ 13:00 – 14:30
Online via Zoom - see mail invite to book

Could you be a Coaching York Mentor?

Two date choices Thursday 22 July 13:00 and Tuesday 27 July 19:00

Would you like the opportunity to share your skills and expertise? Would you like to tap into the expertise of others? Join us at this session to shape our plans for a members’ mentoring programme.

Giving and receiving

We have all benefitted from receiving great “how to” skills, making us more competent and proficient, and the joy of sharing skills with others. So drawing on CY’s depth and diversity of experience, we want to create a structured mentoring opportunity so that any CY member can be confident in essential, practical coaching skills – whether they have their own business or are working for an organisation.

What you could gain from the programme

Mentors benefit from practicing their skills, greater visibility in the Coaching York community, and the potential for further business beyond the mentoring programme. Mentees benefit from high quality and relevant experience from trusted and supportive colleagues. And given the range of experience in Coaching York there is the potential both to mentor and be mentored on specific subjects. And it’s a great way to make friends and contacts.

How it would work

This is where we need your input. We are initially looking to identify a number of key skills in which we would like all members to be able to feel confident and find out how much time mentors would like to offer.

The skills we could share could include:

How to:

make the most of social media;
coach using the various different on-line platforms;
choose which training course or qualification to go for;
set up a coaching business;
construct a suite of coaching documentation such as draft contract and policies for privacy, GDPR etc;
market and promote your business;
manage your own career transition as you increase in competence as a coach;
what else…?